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Get to know us

Euskaltzaleen Topagunea is a social movement involving hundreds of associations and groups of euskaltzales (people in favour of the normalisation of the Basque language). It is a plural social movement that promotes a wide range of projects and encourages public participation in the Basque language associations created in dozens of towns and regions across Euskal Herria (the Basque Country).

Topagunea is formed by a group of associations, citizens and workers committed to the Basque language and the euskaldun (Basque-speaking) community. The space given to the everyday use of the Basque language is steadily growing thanks to everyone’s participation and commitment.


Euskaltzaleen Topagunea is a social movement committed to building a community that wants to live in Basque.



The Basque language association movement has had two objectives from the start:

  • To bring together a Basque-speaking community in every town.
  • To create the tools the euskaldun community needs to be able to live in Basque, creating spaces and roles for the Basque language.


Euskaltzaleen Topagunea was founded in 1996, but the emergence and growth of Basque language associations dates back to the mid-1980s. The movement that grew out of that time began to promote new ideas and concepts such as:

 Values of the basque language association movement


We want to transform the world around us in a positive way. We strive to face any conflicts that may arise with critical optimism.

In movement

Innovation is one of our trademarks and we set new challenges. Things are changing fast, but we will not be left behind.

Action and advocacy

We create and transform spaces, roles and initiatives that the language community needs to be able to live in Basque.

Local and together

We are an increasingly large, cohesive, empowered and connected community that organises from the local level.

We seek to build bridges with other languages and cultural communities. The network is based on mutual care and equality.


Anybody can find out about the decisions we take.

We also openly share information and how we manage resources.


This is a plural, grassroots movement. Coexistence is the foundation of the different areas in which it works.

Euskaltzaleen Topagunea is a social movement created from Basque and to live in Basque, but it is committed to linguistic diversity.


basque associations working collectively



    1. Datuen arduraduna: Euskaltzaleen Topagunea
    2. Datuen helburua: Topagunearen egitasmo eta ekimenen berri bidaltzea.
    3. Datuen biltegia: Profesional Hosting-n ostatutako datu-basea
    4. Eskubideak: Zure informazioa mugatu, berreskuratu edota ezabatu dezakezu edozein unetan.

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